About Me

Full Name

Dr. Abdulazeem Abozaid


Dr. Abdulazeem holds Ph.D. and Master in Islamic Financial Law. He also holds three BAs in Islamic Law, Arabic language, and English Literature; two higher studies diplomas in Islamic Law and Human Sciences.

He has extensive working experience as a Lecturer at Damascus University since 1998, then at International Islamic University Malaysia, specializing in Islamic Financial Law. He has conducted many workshops and training courses at several Islamic banks, financial institutions and universities.

He combines practical experience in Islamic banking through working at different Islamic banks as a Shari’ah expert, trainer and Shari’ah head and the academic knowledge in Islamic Financial Law.

Dr. Abdulazeem has published in many international journals and newspapers, and he had presented more than 50 papers at international conferences. His expertise in Islamic Finance is demonstrated by his release of more than 70 publications in Islamic Finance. Currently, he is an associate professor at Qatar Foundation, Islamic Finance Program.

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