Dr. Abdalla Idris Ali

idris abdallah
Instructor Profile Instructors

Dr. Abdalla Idris Ali

Dr. Abdalla Idris Ali served as imam and director, and founded the first full-time Islamic school in Toronto, Canada. He served as the principal of ISNA Islamic Community School for 17 years. He also served on ISNA’s Executive Council, Majlis Ash-Shura, Youth and Education Committee and as president of ISNA for two terms. He is the chair of the Islamic Media Foundation, a member of NAIT Board, a founding member of CISNA, and chair of ISNA Education Forum. Sheikh Abdalla was appointed director for CIENA in Kansas City, Missouri. He served on the board of trustees of IBERR, which serves minority communities. He is currently working as the executive director of ISNA Canada.

How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage?

This course, by Dr. Abdalla Idris Ali, delves into the different practical and traditional considerations one should make before making the commitment to get married. The best way to prepare for marriage is to see

Comment (1)

  1. Danyah Farooq

    Alslam Alikum,
    I am trying to get in touch with Sheikh Abdalla Idris to talk to him about a personal issue. Is there a way to talk to him in person or through a phone call? Let me know.
    Kind regards,

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