
Fiqh of Hadith: A Holistic Approach

Fiqh of Hadith
Dr. Jasser Auda eLearning Course Featured Courses Islamic Sciences

Fiqh of Hadith: A Holistic Approach


Dr. Jasser Auda

President of Maqasid Institute Global


This course offers an introduction to the topic of the Fiqh or a deep understanding of the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

It presents a general framework for the steps to be followed in the correct and holistic approach, namely, to survey the Qur’an for relevant verses, to check the authenticity of the chain of narrators as well as the content, to gather all the other related narrations in one context, and finally to make holistic and integrated conclusions.

A number of case studies are presented and explained in the areas of public affairs, family law, women in Islam, and the relationship between Islam and previous scriptures.


  1. Introduction
  2. The Correct Approach to the Fiqh of Hadith
  3. Hadiths on Public Wealth Policy
  4. Hadiths on Dealing with Rulers
  5. Hadiths on Child Custody Rules
  6. Hadiths on the Child of Adultery
  7. Hadiths on Women’s Leadership
  8. Hadiths on Women Praying in the Mosque
  9. Hadiths on Stages of Creation
  10. Hadiths on Adam and Eve

To learn more and view the course contents, click here.

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