
Understanding the Qur’an

Fiqh of Hadith
Dr. Jasser Auda eLearning Course Featured Courses Islamic Sciences

Understanding the Qur’an


Dr. Jasser Auda

President of Maqasid Institute Global


This course is on the most fascinating topic that a human being, not just a Muslim, could learn about. It is the Qur’an. It is the book that Allah sent.

This is a fascinating topic because this is a very different book. This module is about welcoming you to the general features and the nature of this book.

This is a book in which Allah (SWT) – God – is speaking; and that is different from any other book: religious or non-religious in any other tradition.

There is no other book in the world in which Allah is speaking. Even if you look at the books of the other originally heavenly religions in which there is a Prophet speaking. If you read the Bible, sometimes Jesus would say that God is saying this. Or Moses would say that God is saying this… and so on. But this is a book where actually God is speaking.

From the beginning to the end, Allah is speaking to us. And that is a very different approach to that book, because when you see that Allah is speaking then Allah is telling us things.


  1. Introduction
  2. How to Approach the Qur’an?
  3. Between Arabic and the Qur’anic Translations
  4. Stories in the Qur’an
  5. Some Major Themes of the Qur’an
  6. Makki vs. Madani Qur’an
  7. Relation between the Qur’an & the Sunnah
  8. Pondering the Qur’an for Deeper Understanding
  9. How Often Should I Read the Qur’an?
  10. History of the Qur’anic Compilation

To learn more and view the course contents, click here.

Comments (6)

  1. Ali Shaekh

    This cors only english
    Not a hindi language

    1. Dr Ali compressed photo

      Dear brother Ali, thank you for visiting our website and we hope that you benefit from it. For now, our courses are conducted only in English. Other languages such as French and Arabic will be added soon. Who knows? Maybe in the future, we can do some in Hindi as well. Stay tuned!

  2. Kafil 3

    In shaa I will be learning Arabic

    1. Dr Ali compressed photo

      In-shaa’ Allah. May Allah make it easy for you. By the way, we are intending to have our Learn Arabic platform the soonest in-shaa’ Allah. Stay tuned!

  3. Ghadeer

    Jazakoum allah khayran

    1. Dr Ali compressed photo

      Wa Iyyakum. May Allah bless you always.

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