
How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage?

Abdalla Idris Ali eLearning Course Family & Society

How to Prepare Yourself for Marriage?


Dr. Abdalla Idris Ali
Senior Community & Religious Advisor


This course delves into the different practical and traditional considerations one should make before making the commitment to get married.

The best way to prepare for marriage is to see what happens after marriage. Points of lifestyle must be discussed ahead of marriage to decrease friction:

  • When is the best age to start to prepare for marriage?
  • Is there an ideal age to get married?
  • Who should you consider getting married to?
  • What does marriage entail for families, friends and relatives involved? 


To view the course content, click here.

Comments (2)

  1. Amy Awad

    The link to the course material for this course (How to prepare yourself for marriage?) is broken.

    1. Dr Ali compressed photo
      Dr. Ali Al-Halawani

      Dear sister Amy,
      The website experienced a technical issue, but everything quickly returned to normal. I appreciate you bringing this up. Thank you.

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