Is Islam a Religion of Violence?

Dr. Jamal Badawi
Last Update June 24, 2022
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About This Course


Dr. Jamal Badawi
Member of The International Union of Muslim Scholars


Is there any command in the Qur’an that allows Muslims to fight others on the sole grounds that they are not Muslim whether they are Jewish, Christians, pagans or idolaters?

Is there an ayah of the Qur’an which labels People of the Book as ‘Mushrikeen’.

Indeed, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) receives credit for keeping the peace for 13 years.

What did the Geneva Conventions and the various humanitarian international laws of war add in essence to what the Prophet of Islam taught 14 centuries ago?!


18 Lessons7h 14m 9s

Unit 1 – Infidels, Kafirs, Polytheist and People of the Book

Unit 2 – Holy War vs. Jihad

Unit 3 – The Qur’an’s Verses of Peace and Tolerance

Unit 4 – Does the Qur’an License the Killing of Non-Muslims?

Unit 5 – Tolerance with Enemies in the Qur’an

Unit 6 – Relationships with Other Nations and Neighbours

Unit 7 – Jizyah in Islam

Unit 8 – Friendship of Non-Muslims

Unit 9 – What Does Prevail Mean in the Qur’an?

Unit 10 – Reasons for Revelation

Unit 11 – The Phenomenon of Supersedence or Abrogation (al-Naskh)

Unit 12 – The Truthful and the Consistent in the Qur’an (al-Muh-kam wal Mutashabih)

Unit 13 – The General and the Qualifier in the Qur’an (al-`Aam wal Khaas)

Unit 14 – Understanding the Hadith, “I Was Ordered to Fight the People Until They Testify…”

Unit 15 – The Underlying Values of the Qur’an

Unit 16 – Is Renouncing Islam Apostasy?

Unit 17 – Hadith and Apostasy

Unit 18 – Conclusion about Apostasy

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Dr. Jamal Badawi

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Dr. Jamal Badawi is a Muslim Canadian, well-known author, activist, preacher and speaker on Islam. Dr. Badawi completed his undergraduate studies in Cairo, Egypt and obtained his Masters and Ph.D. in Business Administration at Indiana University. He is a former professor of both the Religious Studies and Business Management departments at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. Badawi is the author of many books and articles on Islam, with his most recent publication titled ‘Gender Equity in Islam.’ In addition, he researched, designed and presented a 352 segment television series on a variety of Islamic topics, that aired on many local TV stations in Canada and the US as well as 35 other countries around the world. Dr. Badawi actively participates in lectures, seminars and interfaith dialogues across North America. He also serves as a guest speaker in various functions around the world, where his expertise is sought. Additionally, he plays an active role in several Islamic organizations, including the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). He is the founder/chairman of the Islamic Information Foundation, a non-profit foundation and internet forum seeking to promote a better understanding of Islam.
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Duration 7.2 hours
18 lectures

Material Includes

  • Islam in Focus - Hammudah `Abd al-`Ati