Family and Youth

MAC Editorial Staff
Last Update July 28, 2022
33 already enrolled

About This Course


MAC Editorial Staff


Within the Islamic framework, the family is the primary social and foundational unit of society. Thriving in the Path of Allah (SWT) requires us to build homes and families that stay on the straight path. To ground ourselves through what is the greatest shift in social history means we must focus on understanding and supporting every segment of the family to be strong, steadfast, and thrive through the chaos of the life of this world and build a stable system of life based on the pure and true foundation and connection to Allah (SWT) that is established.

Additionally, islamophobia, campus da’wah, identity issues, and community contributions are all realities that Muslim youth in Canada are facing. Balancing all these realities, and learning to see and make sense of the world through an Islamic worldview to build a strong identity and thrive in the Path of Allah (SWT) are the key aspects of sessions within this stream.

Dynamic conversations and practical means of living Islam across every facet of our lives, rather than codeswitching and adopting multiple identities across different spheres is a difficult thing to achieve, and these sessions are focussed on addressing how to mitigate the gaps so youth can thrive, and fulfill their role, in the Path of Allah (SWT), in building generations of strong Muslims insha’Allah.


8 Lessons10h 54m

Unit 1: He Perfected Your Religion: Fulfilling Your Role as Muslim Women – Dr. Dalia Fahmy & Rania Lawendy

He Perfected Your Religion: Fulfilling Your Role as Muslim Women1:03:52

Unit 2: Family as Society’s Foundational Institution: An Islamic Worldview – Dunia Shuaib & Taimiyah Zubair

Unit 3: From Sole to Soul-Mate: Preparing for Marriage – Dunia Shuaib & Dr. Sameera Ahmed

Unit 4: Understanding Community Care: “It Takes a Village” – Haleh Banani & Fiyyaz Jaat

Unit 5: The Ins and Outs of Islamic Parenting – Dr. Sameera Ahmed & Dr. Tayyab Rashid

Unit 6: Good Seeds, Good Harvest: The Role of the Father & Mother in Building Character at Home – Haleh Banani & Mohsan Attique

Unit 7: Youth as Constructive Leaders in Society – Dr. Dalia Fahmy, Sh. Saad Tasleem & Dr. Nabil Sultan

Unit 8: Building a Generation of Resilient & Strong Muslim Youth – Dunia Shuaib, Fiyyaz Jaat & Sh. Ahmed Khalil

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MAC Editorial Staff

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642 Students
MAC Editorial Staff
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All Levels
Duration 10.9 hours
8 lectures